17 October, 17:00 (CET)


Topic: Elastic solutions for Railway Superstructure


  • Introduction
  • Typical problems and failures in railway superstructure
  • Which benefits can be achieved with elastic materials
  • Main benefits of vibration isolation and superstructure protection
  • Under sleeper pads: functionality, requirements, benefits, case studies
  • Under ballast mats: functionality, requirements, benefits, case studies
  • Mass spring systems: functionality, requirements, benefits, case studies
  • Rail pads and baseplate pads: which benefits can be achieved with polyurethane pads
  • Sustainability: how can polyurethane solutions still be sustainable

Presentations & Speakers:

Thomas Gamsjäger, Senior Vice President Railway Division, Getzner

Stefan Loacker-Schöch, Product Management and Product Development, Getzner

Experience with undersleeper pads at the Austrial Federal Railway
Dr. Bernhard Knoll, Vice President of UEEIV, Head of Superstructure Department at ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
